Monday, June 3, 2013

On Vigilance team visits during May2013

For the past one month we have visited 57 villages in Garividi cluster ie in 5 Mandals.
except one or two all works are Desilting of MI tanks.F.As are warned in some cases.
There are no fake musters in any village.ECs and APOs are instructed to revisit the areas and take up correction measures as indicated.
 Horticulture Pitting work is also visited. farmers are advised to complete pitting during Summer itself. They are informed that it will expose the Harmful Fungi and insectslike Termites which will be destroyed during Hot weather.There by the survival percent of Horticulture plantations will certainly increase.
How ever as the soils in Garividi mandal are mostly Gravel, farmers/wage seekers  are not in a position to dig pits during hot summer where there is no summer showers  and this item is slowed down.
How ever continuous review of field assts., and persuation of farmers is being taken up.Pitting areas are frequently visited and Spacing is observed and pits are being measured , which will ensure good growth and creation of assets ie Horticulture Gardens.